Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sir William Johnson papers

On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 11:33 AM, <DRES1945@aol.com> wrote:

JOTM456.jpg (920×553)
And check this out. It refers to some engravings:
In a message dated 9/27/2014 10:55:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, telemandeb@gmail.com writes:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Norman DeBruhl <telemandeb@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 10:54 AM
Subject: Michael Samuel
To: Norman DeBruhl <telemandeb@gmail.com>

34 Sir William Johnson Papers


New York March 3*. 1766
Dear Sir,

I am very sorry to find by your Letter of the 20 th . of Feb r J\ 2 ,
that you are in Expectation of a fresh Attack of your old Dis-
order, which will prevent me having the Pleasure to see you so
soon as I could wish.

Major Rogers has got his Instructions from me, of which I
shall take an opportunity to transmit you a Copy, that you may be
a Judge of what it will be Necessary for you to direct him in your
orders to him relative to your Department.

I find the Virginians were Intent on bringing about the Peace
between the Northern Indians and the Cherokees, to prevent the
latter from taking Revenge for the Murders committed in Virginia
hopeing by Such a Material Service to gain their Friendship, for I
believe the Gov r . will not be able to give them the Satisfaction
they require, and seem to have a Right to demand.

The sooner M r . Croghan Sets out with the Person whom you
intend to nominate for Commissary at the Ilinois the better; it's
very proper they should be there as early as it is possible, and
what you shall Judge necessary for them you will inform me of
and it will be supplyed them immediately.

I will enquire whether there is any good Engravers at Phila-
delphia; the Dye in my Possession was done by one de Bruhls 3
who was reckoned the best in these Parts of the world.

There are Reports here by Letters from Pensacola that the
34 th . Reg f . had got up to the Ilinois; I hope it's true, as they
carried a large Quantity of Presents with them, and many other
things which Cap 1 . Stirling 4 was in need of.

1 In Harvard University Library.
^ Ante pp. 20-25.

3 Michael De Bruls of New York. See negotiations with him for engrav-
ing Sir William's coat of arms in 1 765. Johnson Papers, 3:vii-ix.

4 Captain Thomas Stirling of the 42d regiment.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sir William Johnson Papers

12 Sir William Johnson Papers
A, L. S.
New York Jan9: 1 Ph 1763

M"^ Darlington hath Aquainted me with Your Conmiands
Concerning Your Coat of Arms, the Engraving of the Same will Cost Four Pounds The Printing and Colouring the Same proper will Cost Five Pound 17^ Hund^: or Twenty Pound ^ Thousend.
Sir Your Further Encouragement in this as also Encouraging the Subscription of the Several Views &c*: of New York as ^ Advertisement in [the] news papers will Greatly ObHdge S[ir]
Your Most Obed*:
Serv*: MiCHAEL D^B
Si"* WillTM: Johnson
INDORSED: Letter from M^ * DeBruhl —